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Основно училище Keysborough Garden

Welcome to St Brigid’s School in the bayside suburb of Mordialloc. 

I am extremely honoured to be the principal of St Brigid’s Primary School. We pride ourselves on being a welcoming, inclusive and faith filled learning community. Our school is a place of learning and discovery where students are encouraged to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes required to build a foundation for lifelong learning. Our contemporary learning practices are underpinned by the expectation that all students can achieve, be responsible for and manage their own learning in a supportive environment and gain personal benefit through a sense of challenge and success.

Our school community is vibrant and enthusiastic and we continue to develop partnerships with parents in order to provide a rewarding experience for our families. Our staff are dedicated to the social, emotional and academic growth of every student. 

We welcome your interest in our school and I hope our website provides you with an overview of St Brigid's and we invite you to contact us for a tour so you can discover more about us. 


Фил Антъни


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Нашата визия

За да се гарантира, че всеки ученик е оборудван със знанията, уменията и способностите, необходими, за да процъфтява в един бързо променящ се и глобално свързан свят.

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Нашата мисия

Да осигурим висококачествена, подкрепяща и ангажираща учебна програма, която изгражда академичния, социалния и емоционален капацитет на всеки ученик в нашето училище.

Ние се стремим да развиваме учащи се през целия живот, които се грижат за себе си, другите и общността около тях и активно допринасят за един по-устойчив и спокоен свят.

Our Story

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